november, 2022

wed30novAll DayBirth - Sayyida Zaynab (5 Jamadi-ul-awwal)1444 A.HShia Calendar Categories:Wiladat


Celebrating the Birth of Sayyida Zaynab bint Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) 6 A.H. There is nothing that can be compared to the birth of a new child to bring about joy and a renewed sense of love amongst a family Рand the family of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) is no exception. It was on the 5th of Jamadiul Awwal, some 5 years after the migration to Madinah that a girl was born into the family of Amirul Mumineen Ali ibne Abi Talib and Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon them both).

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