june, 2022

Celebrating the Birth of Imam\'Ali Ridha (a.s.) 148 A.H.The 8th Imam (AS) experienced similar hardships as his forefathers, witnessing political corruption and scandal with various individuals fighting for power. After
Celebrating the Birth of Imam’Ali Ridha (a.s.) 148 A.H.The 8th Imam (AS) experienced similar hardships as his forefathers, witnessing political corruption and scandal with various individuals fighting for power. After removing Imam Musa al-Kazim (AS) from the scene by poisoning, the Abbaside rulers then set their sights on his successor – al Ridha. Within a short period, the Abbaside ruler Harun al Rasheed died and his son Mamun succeeded him. Mamun compelled the 8th Imam to travel to Toos (present day Mashad) to show the people that he had the support and legitimacy to rule as granted to him by the Ahlu‚Äôl Bayt.