september, 2022

sat17sepAll Day40th - Imam Husayn (`a.s.) (20 Safar)1444 A.HShia Calendar Categories:Shahadat


Commemorating (Chehlum) the 40th of Imam Husayn (a.s.).The 40th [Arbaeen or Chehlum] marks an important turning point in the movement of Kerbala. This day, which is no less important to the day of Aashura is important for many reasons Рthe prime being that the Ahlu’l Bayt reached the land of Kerbala on this day and performed the visitation to Sayyid ash-Shuhada al-Husain and the loyal family and friends who gave their life for the cause of Islam.Although the historians differ on when this event transpired: some say it was in the same year of the massacre in Kerbala in the year 61 AH, whilst other say it was in the following year. Whatever the case, the atrocities and difficulties which the family were put through in the court of Yazid and the long ride to Kerbala culminated on the 20th of Safar on the empty plains of Kerbala.Ziyarat-e-Arbaeen

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